Product Lifecycle Management /

Streamline your journey from ideation to market: optimise processes and reduce costs

With our expertise, we guide you through a seamless journey from idea formulation to launch. Our goal is to implement efficient strategies to leverage the full potential of your team and the latest technologies. We strive to accelerate your product's journey to the market while ensuring a cost-effective development process.

Review your Environment /

Optimise team potential and tools

We conduct a thorough assessment of your product's development journey, identifying opportunities to enhance the efficiency and value derived from your resources. By ensuring that your team has the necessary tools and possesses the right skills, we aim to maximise their effectiveness and innovative potential.


Assess product development journey


Equip your team with essential tools


Ensure a required skill set within your team

Define Processes /

Clarify your development strategy

We partner with you to standardise product development processes and foster effective stakeholder collaboration. Our approach ensures clear communication and well-defined roles and responsibilities, ensuring steady progress aligned with your timeline. By eliminating ambiguities and miscommunication, we establish a foundation for a focused and efficient development journey.


Standardise development processes


Ensure stakeholder alignment


Define clear roles and responsibilities


Ensure on-time product delivery


Align with industry excellence

We thoroughly review your technology stack, architecture, and development approaches to make sure they match the industry's best practices. If we find any gaps or issues, we'll help you fix them. Our goal is to ensure your product is strong longterm and ready for success.


Review and match industry best practices


Find and address any gaps or issues


Refine product development approaches

testimonials /

The result of our work is a project made on time and within the client’s expectations

"The biggest value is the clarification and thus acceleration of important feasibility and opportunity questions. Thanks to the input that we got from SamuylovAI, we quickly had a good understanding what opportunities there are and what is needed to get started."

Patrick Hammer
CPO & Co-Founder

"What a discussion on such an awe-inspiring topic! In couple of hours we made with the team an exciting journey from where Generative AI starts towards amazing future opportunities (…and some challenges)."

Olga Kravchenko
Group HR COO

"The level of design that the SamuylovAI team offers is truly top-notch. Moreover, communication and professionalism were excellent from the beginning – it was clear that we were working with experienced professionals. Regular communication avoided any potential misunderstandings and allowed for a smooth flow of the process."

Anastasia Vorontsova
Marketing manager

"We are amazed by the professionalism and creativity of SamuylovAI. Their team refreshed our corporate design and developed a new website, leading to 10x impressions and 5x clicks in the first month after the release."

Valentin Holzwarth
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